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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fall Season 2011

As the season changes, we all start doing a lot of things to prepare for the Winter. We start to put away summer clothes, mow the lawn for the last time, rake leaves, put away our hoses, start paying more attention to the air in our tires, light the pilot light in our furnaces, and more. Wow! That's a lot of stuff to do! To think about all of the stuff that has to be done, can sometimes feel overwhelming.

That brings me to another thought: How prepared are we for when Jesus returns?

I have been around some people who won't accept Jesus until they are perfect themselves. That is not at all possible at all. If we spend all of our lives trying to be perfect, we are wasting our time. The only perfect man was Jesus. He was able to be perfect, because He is God in the flesh. He didn't sin. However, the rest of we humans don't have it like that. Ever since the sin in the Garden Of Eden, mankind was given the choice. We can choose to live for ourselves, or to live for God. Some people think that if they are a good person, God will accept them into Heaven. NOT! Some people think that if they give to the poor, they will go to Heaven. NOT! While doing good things for the human race are good to do, they in and of themselves, won't bring us righteousness before God. For "All of our works are like filthy rags", as the Word says. It also says, "For by grace have you been saved, THROUGH FAITH. It is not of your own doing, lest any man should boast."

There is only ONE WAY for us to be righteous enough to spend eternity with God. That is by accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior. As He said, "For I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life! For no one can go to the Father, except through Me!" You see, God says in the Bible,"I am Holy, and those who worship me MUST be Holy.". God is righteous, and thus we must be. Sin is like a wedge that keeps us from God. Without Jesus, we are dead in our sins, and going to Hell.

Some people think that just going to church will turn them into a Christian. Well, when you go to McDonald's turn you into a Big Mac? NO! All we have to do is to accept Jesus into our heart, and to be "Bananas for Jesus!" We are to not love in words only, but also by making a conscious choice to live every day trying to be obedient to Him. Sure, we will often trip and fall flat on our face, but He will help us. For the Word also says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and LEAN NOT ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING. In ALL your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths!". It is up to us to choose to LIVE FOR HIM, or live to cater to our own sinful, futile way, without HIS guidance. »Pastor Jax« O:-)

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