There is nothing greater than having the love of a family. However, in this complicated world that we live in, there seems to be a breakdown of traditional family values.
Every person is unique and wonderful, since we are all created in God's own image.
It also states that he knows everything about us. He knows every hair on our head. He even knows every thought that we have, even before we have one. He even knew us when we were in the womb.
You are probably thinking, then why does he allow some family to get out of love for each other? This. Goes back to the Garden of Eden. Ever since Eve and Adam ate from the Tree Of Life, there have been troubles. We all lost the ability to walk and talk with God on a one on one, and a. Face to face basis.
That was the beginning of the freedom of choice. God wants us to choose our paths. He wants us to follow Him out of our love for Him. He doesn't want us to be like robots, where He controls every move.
However, with this "free choice", it unleashes a lot of problems, if they aren't dealt with by following His Word. For it says, "From within the heart comes all kinds of evil. From within man comes murder, envy, strife, covetousness, greed, bitterness, anger, rage...".
We have a choice to go through life our own way, or to go through it with God's guidance through His Word.
In it, it is said, "Thy Word is A Light unto my feet, and a Light unto my Path.". It also says, "I have hidden my heart in Thy Word, so that I may not sin against Thee.".
Now what does that mean? Does that mean that God will prevent us from sinning? Not at all! What it is implying that if we meditate on His Word, it will help us to make better decisions to get closer to the heart of God.
"For the Fruits of The Spirit are: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Gentleness, Kindness, and Self Control." This verse can be found in Philippians 4.
In other words, if left to our own devices and only relying on rationalizations in our own minds, we will have loads of troubles.
Just like a car's owner's manual helps us to get to know our cars, The Bible is God's "Owner's Manual" that helps us to get to know Him better, and gives us the tools that we need to work through every day life.
Family relationships are the responsibility of each and every person in it. We all make mistakes, and it only makes things worse when blame sets in.
No faults that anyone has gives anyone the justification for others to hold grudges. It is much better to get whatever issues out on the table, deal with them, then press on and strive to have a wholesome future together. It will never be easy, but by using the precepts found in "The Good Book", life will be a lot easier. When we hold grudges, it actually hurts the grudge maker worse Than the person that the grudge is against.
"May the Peace Of God that passes all understanding, guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, now and forevermore, Amen".
Thursday, October 13, 2011

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Very well said Pastor Jax! Very well said! I like to think about it this way. If I were God I would want a Wife that loves and appreciates me. Not for my wealth or infinite power; but simply for Loves sake. The adventure we call life is painful. Sometimes we lose those close too us. But God works for our benefit knowing that all things work according to His plan and mercy. Keep blogging, your doing a Fan.tastic Job!!! Pastor Mattie <3